Monday 30 January 2017

Arduino - 16x2 LCD Screen

Arduino Project #2

16x2 LCD Screen with I2C and Photoresistor


 This is a 16x2 LCD screen with I2C. You can read the value of the photoresistor from the LCD screen.

Arduino circuit and sketch

Things need to take note:
1. You need to download and install the "New LiquidCrystal" library (
2. If you encounter the "<Wire.h> no such file or directory" error, you need to copy the Wire library under the same "library" folder as the LiquidCrystal_I2C library.


Monday 2 January 2017

Arduino - Plant Lamp

Arduino Project - #1
Plant Lamp

This is a plant lamp I made using Arduino Uno. The lamp will automatically turn on when it is dark, so that the plant will be able to continue the process of photosynthesis. As and when there is sufficient light, the lamp will automatically switch off. 

                       Plant Lamp - Arduino circuit and sketch

* 'sensorValue' may be different due to different photo resistor 

Plant Lamp - Step by Step
Things you need: a mineral water bottle, a few ice cream sticks, a led light and two wires, a piece of card board, aluminium foil, super glue. 

1. Drill a hole on the cap of mineral water; 
2. Glue the sticks together;
3. Cut the mineral bottle and glue the aluminium foil on the inside layer of mineral bottle;
4. Put the led light through the hole of the cap, connect the wires and glue the cap on the stick.
5. Cut a hole on the card board and glue the stick on the hole.  Now your lamp is ready to connect to Arduino !!!

Scratch Project - #4
Brick Breaker
Click Here To Play!